Opened new blog to audiences in finance

February 09, 2016

Opened new blog to audiences in finance Since the beginning of February, Baltikums Bank’s Director of Asset Management Pauls Miklaševičs and his colleagues have established and regularly contributed to a new professional financial blog: THE BALTICS AND BEYOND. The purpose of the blog is to provide interesting, approachable and compelling commentary on capital markets, current events and investor psychology. The blog is in English. 

„We put great value in communication and would like THE BALTICS AND BEYOND to be a platform where we share our thoughts and let our readers come up with their own conclusions. Information is everywhere, but in the financial media, context often loses out to sensationalism. On the other hand, commentary from investment professionals is often dry and backwards looking. THE BALTICS AND BEYOND will do its best to bridge this gap and provide forward looking, engaging commentary that is informed by our experience as professional investment managers. I have worked in this industry for 15 years, but I still learn something interesting every day. Why not share that with our current and future clients?” Pauls Miklaševičs says. 

Blog’s comments will not consist of investment advice, but rather serve as a guide to the themes and concepts that are shaping future investment horizons.