Issue of special BluOr Bank bonds 10% profit 

Relax and watch your earnings grow! 

The subscription period is from 09.09 at 10:00 until 27.09 at 15:30

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Relax and get a profit!

Invest in BluOr Bank bonds and receive
10% per year, with payments made quarterly

Read more about the offer and the bank

Partnership and benefits in the issuance of bonds

Bank issues bonds

Investors invest

The bank is expanding and growing its loan portfolio in the Baltic States

Investors’ profit

Special bonds requirements

BluOr Bank bond issuance is being offered to both private and institutional investors

IssuerBluOr Bank AS
Type of financial instrumentSubordinated bonds
Face value of bondEUR 1,000
Number of bonds30,000 (to be issued in several series)
Total issuance sumEUR 30,000,000 (to be divided into several series)
Annual interest rate10%, fixed
Minimum investmentEUR 1,000
Term10 years
Call option5 years. Issuer may redeem bonds if there is a tax event or; capital event. Agreement of the regulator may be necessary in some cases.
Interest payment frequencyQuarterly
DepositoryNasdaq CSD SE
An adviser and joint lead manager of this projectAS LHV Pank
Term of the offerThe subscription period is from 09.09 at 10:00 until 27.09 at 15:30

Bond classification: Unsecured, subordinated, exclusively superior to the rights and claims of Issuer’s ordinary shares and other types of instruments equivalent to ordinary shares or otherwise ranking below the Issuer's obligations related to the bonds.

Bail-in: Bonds may be eligible for bail-in for the regulation authority with respect to bail-in activities, write-offs or converting.

Set-offs: No investor may use or request any set-off or counterclaim rights vis-à-vis any sum which Issuer owes in relation to Bonds or in relation to same.

In case of additional questions, please contact us

Aleksandrs Djominovs
Client relationship manager
+371 26 001 949

Andis Keslers
Large corporate client relationship manager
+371 22 323 001

Information for your attention: Subordinated bonds are a complex financial instrument and may not be suitable for all investors. Before investing, we encourage you to review the Base Prospectus, available on the bank's website in the For investors/Documents section.